Product Description
This stunning ceramic beer stein celebrates the 500 year anniversary (1516 - 2016) of the German purity law or Reinheitsgebot, which states only barley, hops and water can be used in beer.
The front reads "Wir wollen auch, dass in unseren Städten, Märkten und auf dem Lande zu keinem Bier etwas anderes als Gerste, hopfen und Wasser genommen und gebraucht werden soll." which translates as: "We also want that in our cities, markets and suburbs nothing else shall be added to or used for beer than Barley, Hops and Water."
Save the Grain Beerstein
500 years ago, in 1516, the collective German states got together and passed what is known as the legendary Reinheitsgebot—the German Purity Law of 1516. Bread makers, beer brewers, livestock owners, and all other trades that depended heavily on different grain products soon found themselves in an intense competition with one another due to a major grain shortage.
So, in order to put a halt to this competition and effectively regulate grain prices, the government established that beer must be made only with barley, hops, and water. Violation of this law could result in confiscation of beer, fines/taxes, or even the permanent closing of the brewery in violation.

Authentic German Craftsmanship. Authentic Pride.
There is no doubt that this stein will be the most afternoon fun you are likely to have using only barley hops and water. Its surface is beautifully painted, and the attention to detail that was put into its design is almost unprecedented by today’s standards. In addition, this particular stein comes complete with a decorative pewter lid with a brewer designed into its top. The surface has an inscription in German that reads:
“Wir wollen auch, dass in unseren Städten, Märkten und auf dem Lande zu keinem Bier etwas anderes als Gerste, hopfen und Wasser genommen und gebraucht werden soll.”
In English this translates out to:
“We also want that in our cities, markets and suburbs nothing else shall be added to or used for beer than barley, hops, and water.”
Only 500 of these steins are in existence, so we highly recommended that if you have any interest at all you should order as soon as possible. They are flying out of our inventory and could be gone any day now! This full-color stein is the perfect center piece for any stein collection, or can be used as an actual drinking vessel at any party. We highly recommend you pair it with an authentic set of lederhosen.
Able to hold up to and entire liter (35 ounces or around 3 bottled beers) of your favorite lager this stein ensures that it’s going to be a very long time before you find yourself waiting in the refill line. It measures 12 inches tall and 4.7 inches wide at its base.
Shop for more collectible German Purity Law steins for sale from Pair it with a commemorative T-shirt for greatest effectiveness.
Limited Edition of ONLY 500 Pieces Worldwide!
Made by King-Werk of Germany
Volume: 1.0 Liter / 34 oz
Height Approx: 11 3/4"
Width Approx: 4.7"
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Crown Jewel of Collection
Love everything about it! Pewter figure is perfect (can't wait for it to patina!). Once in a lifetime 500 year anniversary Steinkrug. Side panels: one is rustic finish and other is cobalt blue finish. Beer is a culture and not just a drink. Purity Law (Reinheitsgebot) still results in the best beer in the World. Surprised any are still left around (get it while you can).