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Cobalt Blue Beer Steins

Some early stoneware steins were decorated using cobalt (blue) glazes, which allowed stein artists to create crisp lines and beautiful designs. Today, cobalt blue beer steins are still eye-catching, unique pieces worthy of any collector's assemblage.

  • Gambrinus The Beer King Stein Gambrinus The Beer King Stein

    Gambrinus The Beer King Stein

    This cobalt blue beer stein honors Gambrinus, the legendary king of beer resting on a keg, lifting his chalice and offering a toast.  The front panel is framed by stone columns and the sides feature depictions of hops.  A hop & leaf border...

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  • Rhein River Panorama Beer Stein Cobalt Rhein River Panorama Beer Stein Cobalt

    Rhein River Panorama Beer Stein Cobalt

    A three-tone - rustic cream, dark cobalt blue and light blue - color combination gives this Rhein River Panorama beer stein a unique look.  The front features a high relief scene of a knight on horseback holding a banner reading "Germany" and...

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  • Cobalt Blue Rococo Ceramic German Beer Stein Front View Showing Cherub Angel Relief Left Side of Rococo Stoneware Beer Stein Showing Zum Wohle Engraving

    Rococo Cherub Prosit Beer Stein Cobalt

    This cobalt blue stein features ornate Rococo style decoration with fanciful borders, flowers and angels.  A cherub is pictured on the front of this uniquely shaped stein blowing a horn amidst a bed of flowers.  The sides read "Prosit" and "Zum...

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  • Celebration of Youth Beer Stein | Cobalt Celebration of Youth Beer Stein | Cobalt

    Celebration of Youth Beer Stein | Cobalt

    This cobalt blue stein celebrates the joys of youth as three exuberant young men are depicted in detailed relief drinking out of stoneware mugs and lounging on several barrels of beer. Text reads: "Schoen ist die Jugend, sie kommt nicht mehr", which...

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  • Rhein River Towns Souvenir Beer Stein Cobalt Rhein River Towns Souvenir Beer Stein Cobalt

    Rhein River Towns Souvenir Beer Stein Cobalt

    This cobalt blue stein has a 3-D relief wrap around decoration depicting three Rhine river towns - Koln am Rhein, Rudesheim and Koblenz.  A castle tower makes the handle of this unique German beer stein. This beer stein was originally produced by...

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  • Oktoberfest Handmade German Beer Stein Authentic German Cobalt Stein for Oktoberfest

    Oktoberfest Celebration Beer Stein

    This cobalt blue beer stein brings to life the festivities of the town's Oktoberfest (Octoberfest) celebration from the townsfolk talking over beer to the musicians playing to the Brew Master tapping the keg. Along the bottom of the stein are the words,...

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  • Handmade authentic German beer stein with Munchen Relief Hofbrauhaus relief on limited edition German beer stein

    Munich Oktoberfest Beer Stein

    A One-of-a-Kind Beer Stein for Aficionados and Beer Fans German beer steins are for more than just drinking! A true aficionado knows beer steins are works of art, often adorned with either dramatic reliefs or painted illustrations. Many German beer...

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  • German National Anthem Beer Stein German National Anthem Beer Stein

    German National Anthem Beer Stein

    Cobalt blue old style German heritage beer stein. The text of the German national anthem appears in relief on two bands encircling this beer stein and reads: "Einigkeit und recht und freiheit fuer das Deutsche Vaterland. Danach lasst uns alle streben...

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